Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Mine's at work, or I'd be spending time with her instead of blogging. What kind of heathen do you think I am?

So Triad Web Design doesn't have a full site yet. Part of the reason for that is that I'm not done writing the copy. For some reason I'm finding it really difficult to get motivated to finish the copy. Thankfully we're not just waiting on me, there are design and hosting aspects that haven't been hammered out fully yet, I think. But I still need to be writing.

I'm trying to figure out what exactly it is that's holding me up, so I can deal with it and get to writing. I think one thing that's making it hard is that I'm still trying to wrap my head around exactly what we'll be offering.

For example, when I write copy for a Web site, I always write the home page last. By the time I've written all the interior pages I know the products, I know the brand, and I know what's important. Having that information makes writing the home page a million times easier. It's still hard, but at least I have all the relevant information.

I feel like I'm not qualified to write this site until we do some work, and I know what our process is, how we do things, and what exactly we're going to offer. I know in my head I can, should and will re-write the site as time goes on and things change. Plus, fresh content is great for SEO. But part of me just wants to hold out until I know more.

Oh well, I've got to get over it and get something on the page so we can get business and form a process and I can figure our stuff out!

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